시상일 및 시상 장소: 2024년 12월 12일 12시, 서울대학교 암연구소 삼성암연구동 2층
제출서류: 이력서와 대상 논문 pdf 사본, email로 제출
제출 마감일: 2024년 11월 30일
담당자 연락처: kclresearchaward@gmail.com, 02-3668-7905, 7914
시상일 및 시상 장소: 2024년 12월 12일 12시, 서울대학교 암연구소 삼성암연구동 2층
제출서류: 이력서와 대상 논문 pdf 사본, email로 제출
제출 마감일: 2024년 11월 30일
담당자 연락처: kclresearchaward@gmail.com, 02-3668-7905, 7914
In 2022 and 2023, 40 years after the establishment of the first SNU cell line, and 30 years after the establishment of KCLRF's Korean Cell Line Bank, the foundation, in collaboration with the Cancer Research Institute, awarded the SNU-Cell Line Research Award to a scientist who contributed to the advancement of life sciences through notable research using SNU cell lines.
In 2022, the award was presented to Professor Yoo-Sun Kim from Ajou University School of Medicine for her paper, RIPK3 Activation Induces TRIM28 Derepression in Cancer Cells and Enhances the Anti-tumor Microenvironment, published in Molecular Cancer. In 2023, the award was presented to Professor Jung-Won Lee from Seoul National University College of Pharmacy for her paper, Transmembrane 4 L Six Family Member 5 Senses Arginine for mTORC1 Signaling, published in Cell Metabolism.
Starting in 2024, to promote a broader range of research involving domestic cell lines, organoids, and stem cell lines, KCLRF will expand its awards program by the introduction of 2 new awards. In honor of Chairman Shin Sun Ho, a supporter of the foundation's mission, KCLRF will present the Shin Sun Ho Korean Cell Line Research Award to a scientist who has contributed to the advancement of life sciences using domestic cell lines, organoids, or stem cell lines, and the Shin Sun Ho Young Investigator Award to young researchers who have achieved outstanding research outcomes using these materials.
『The Shin Sun Ho Korean Cell Line Research Award』
Eligibility: Scientists who have utilized domestic cell lines, organoids, or stem cell lines to publish a paper as first author or corresponding author in an SCIE journal (including e-publications) with an Impact Factor of 10 or higher, from 2021 to 2024. The award will be given to the author of the paper with the highest Impact Factor.
Award: Certificate and prize of 10 million KRW
Award Date and Location: December 12, 2024 (Tentative), 7th Floor, Samsung Cancer Research Building, Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University
Submission Materials: Curriculum vitae and PDF of the nominated paper. Submit via email.
Submission Deadline: November 30, 2024
Contact: kclresearchaward@gmail.com, 02-3668-7905, 7914
『The Shin Sun Ho Young Investigator Award』
Eligibility: Graduate students or researchers within two years of graduation who have utilized domestic cell lines, organoids, or stem cell lines to publish a paper as first author or corresponding author in an SCIE journal (including e-publications) from 2021 to 2024. The award will be given to the author of the paper with the highest Impact Factor.
Award: Certificate and prize of 3 million KRW
Award Date and Location: December 12, 2024 (Tentative), 7th Floor, Samsung Cancer Research Building, Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University
Submission Materials: Curriculum vitae and PDF of the nominated paper. Submit via email.
Submission Deadline: November 30, 2024
Contact: kclresearchaward@gmail.com, 02-3668-7905, 7914